How does precision injection molding work?

Sep 22,2023

Injection molding precision machining is a wide range of knowledge, technical and practical strong industry. Plastic raw materials, toner, nozzle materials, molds, injection molding machines, peripheral equipment, tooling fixtures, sprays, various auxiliary materials and packaging materials need to be used in the production process of injection molding precision processing. These have brought great workload and certain difficulties to the management of injection molding workshop. Compared with other industries or departments, the requirements for management personnel at all levels in injection molding workshop are higher, so how does injection molding precision processing work?

Injection molding precision processing production requires 24 hours of continuous operation, generally in two shifts. There are many jobs in the injection molding workshop, the division of responsibilities is complicated, and the skill requirements for different positions are also different. In order to make the production operation of the injection molding workshop smoothly, it is necessary to manage the personnel, materials, equipment and tools involved in each link and each post, mainly including: raw material room, crushing room, batching room, production site, post-processing area, tool room, semi-finished product area, office and other regional operation and coordination management.