What are the commonly used cooling methods for plastic molds?

Jan 10,2022

The role of the cooling system: 0: shorten the molding cycle and improve production efficiency; in the entire molding cycle, the cooling and curing time reaches 60% to 80%, so designing a reasonable cooling system is critical. 2: to improve product quality, not only to make the mold cooling, and try to make the mold to maintain a constant temperature, control the melt cooling speed, cooling speed is too fast will affect the filling, too slow will cause the product defects and molding cycle extension due to high temperature
When the product is in injection molding, the temperature of the mold will affect the molding cycle of the plastic, thus affecting the production efficiency. In order to improve work efficiency, the mold needs to design a cooling system. So, what are the commonly used cooling methods for plastic molds?
plastic mold cooling solution:
1. In the mold design, for products with small height drop or flat plate shape, the back-shaped waterway cooling is generally adopted.
2. For products with small height drop but long length direction, the cooling method of adding water well in the middle of the return-shaped waterway is adopted. 3. Some products have large height drop, which leads to the return-shaped waterway unable to achieve the cooling effect. At this time, the cooling method of ordinary water transportation and tubular water well is usually adopted. 4. Some products have slender cores and high appearance requirements, and need to be cooled by spraying water transportation.
5. For some longer cores, in order to ensure the cooling effect, in addition to the use of water well cooling, you can also use spiral water cooling